#1 Rated Home Service Company in Arizona

New Installations

Air Conditioning Installation Services

At AC and Refrigeration, we recognize the individuality of each customer’s cooling and heating requirements. That’s why we tailor a personalized plan specifically for you. When you choose us for your residential or commercial air conditioning installation, we begin with a detailed consultation. We assess your needs and space dimensions to recommend the ideal type and size of the system. If budget considerations are important, we also offer suggestions for cost-effective modifications or alternatives.

Considering an Upgrade to a New A/C Unit?

If your air conditioner is over 10-15 years old and requires frequent repairs, it may be more cost-effective to replace it with a high-efficiency unit. Investing in a new unit can save you money on repair costs and improve energy efficiency. Over time, you’ll notice significant savings on your monthly utility bills.

Signs You May Need a New Air Conditioner

If your HVAC system isn’t functioning properly, repairs may be sufficient, but there are signs indicating a new system may be necessary:

1. Consistently High Energy Bills: Unexpectedly high utility bills suggest inefficient operation.
2. Strange Smells: Unusual odors, especially oily or electrical scents, can signal serious issues.
3. System Age: Systems older than 20 years often suffer from inefficiency and frequent repairs.
4. Strange Noises: Unexplained sounds indicate potential malfunctions, requiring diagnosis.
5. Ongoing Repairs: Frequent repairs, beyond occasional maintenance, suggest system deterioration.
6. Fluctuating Temperatures: Wide temperature swings and high humidity levels may require retrofitting or new unit installation for optimal performance.

If you’re thinking of installing a new system or you need expert heating and air conditioning service, contact AC and Refrigeration, your local, licensed, reputable HVAC contractor. Call us at (602) 488-7161 or fill out the contact form to get started today!


What People Say

The plumber dispatched demonstrated exceptional skill, professionalism, and clarity in explaining all aspects of the job.
- Lisa

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